Country Songs 70s (2025)

Coletânea Músicas Country Anos 70, lançada em 2025.

Country Songs 70s (2025)

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Country Songs 70s (2025)

01. Emmylou Harris - Two More Bottles of Wine
02. Jerry Lee Lewis - Who Will the Next Fool Be
03. Doug Kershaw - Louisiana Man
04. Linda Ronstadt - Silver Threads and Golden Needles
05. Willie Nelson - It's Not Supposed to Be That Way
06. Eddie Rabbitt - Drinkin' My Baby (Off My Mind)
07. Gram Parsons - Six Days on the Road (Live, 1973)
08. Ronnie Milsap - Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends
09. John Anderson - Your Lying Blue Eyes
10. Buck Owens - California Oakie

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Gênero: Blues, Country, Folk
Artista: Vários
Formato: Mp3
Qualidade: 320 Kbps
Tamanho: 206 Mb


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